Saturday, April 29, 2006

Introducing... me!

Hi there. I'm Saskia. Saskia Robin Tsu-Min Cormier, to be precise. This is me with my parents. I'm about 3 hours old at this point.

I came in at a pretty big 8 pounds 4 ounces. I also have big feet, and the doctor who delivered me said he thinks I'll be tall.

And although I'm only quarter Chinese, I must say that I look pretty darned asian so far!

My dad keeps telling everyone I look like an Eskimo. As soon as I can talk, I'm going to tell everyone he looks like an Eskimo Pie! Ha! Yeah, that'll be a great comeback... c'mon vocal cords, develop!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Guys:

Congratulations from the great white (green) north. We are so happy for all three of you and it's great to welcome another ingredient to the crazy trail mix that is our family. Enjoy this and congratulations. We love you all and hope to hear from you soon.

P.S.: Jason remember the coverted words of any happy father; "Yes Dear" It may even get you out of trouble every now and again.

We Love You Guys Lots.

John, Tamara, Chelsea and Kayla

9:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!!!! Damn, I must be getting old, I've lost control of my bladder next to my eyes! She is sooooo beautiful and I cannot be happier for her being born to such a great couple! Keep the photos coming--love to all--Diane

11:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Baby Tess was kind enough to share your website with me, so I'm adding my congratulations!!

Welcome to the world, Saskia. Even though your pen pal Tess "thinks she's all that just cause she's a little bit older" definitely have TONS more hair than she does! :)

9:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations Maddy and Jason, and welcome to the world little Saskia!

So glad to hear that everything went well. Looking forward to more pictures and hearing how you are all going. Such an exciting time!!

Love Anne, Chris, Timothy & Bridget

12:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Glad everything went well, look forward to meeting little Saskia sometime soon!

k&m xxx

6:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And Saskia... it is a pleasure to meet you!!, hopefully I will be able to travel down soon and tell you stories about your father....
I happen to be in Prague right now..I just saw the crypt of Charles the IV and pulled an Indian Jones swinging from a rope in St. Vitus cathedral to escape the police because my good friend neglected to pay the entrace fee.. however; it is what it is.. and all is well. I can't begin to explain the beauty of this city, nor the historical significance or brilliance of its architecture. So I wont.

We spent a half week in berlin too...east berlin mostly..I felt like an old time spy walking around those really is surreal to be in this part of the world... 35 cents for a beer in old towne praha, 35 dollars for a beer in berlin. 10 dollars for a hotel room in either.

Hope to be down to visit soon with Rosa, also... please save up some money because you might have to come to sudbury before long for a little ceremony. (o;


10:11 PM  
Blogger Joan said...

dear Tsu-Min: your "other" name means, if you believe it's of Slavic origins, "protector of mankind" which would be kind of cool if you had superpowers! or, if you think it is of Danish or Old German origins, it means "the Saxon people" which is kinda weird cause neither of your parents can trace their roots to them, i don't think. anyway, i like Tsu-Min (though i confess i have no idea what it means and just like the way it sounds)!

welcome to the world Tsu-Min!! with such terrific parents, you are going to be an awesome woman!

11:32 PM  

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