Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The History of Me

I thought I'd share a couple of interesting photos that Mom and Dad had hidden away in shoeboxes in the back of their closet.

I mean, sure... at first I was absolutely fascinated with just the shoeboxes. I've only just realised what shoes are actually for (until a few days ago I thought they, like all other matter on earth, existed solely for me to eat) and now you tell me that shoes also come in their own boxes? Boxes that I can put stuff into and then take out again? With lids that come on and off?

Oh yes... it was a very good day indeed when I first discovered shoeboxes. But I digress.

Check these out these baby pictures of good ol' Ma and Pa when they were my age:

Thankfully, I didn't inherit Mom's out-of-focus gene!

Dad is secretly a natural blonde? That explains so much.

Check out that killer cold-hearted pout on the 1972 version of Mom! Now that's a familiar look we can both give to the 2007 version of Dad on a regular basis. And that picture of Dad as a baby is the final, undeniable proof that it's his fault I have a double chin. So memo to Mom: We can start with the ice cream and cake in my diet now, and if I get a little plump it'll just be Dad's fault.

That being said, I sure hope I don't inherit his beer gut too. Dad enjoys telling anyone who cares (by which I mean, anyone who can't tell him to stop talking... ie. me!) how much 'hard work' and 'dedication' it took to 'cultivate' that 'shapely' beer gut of his. Yeah, sure thing Dad... I bet it's just as hard as climbing Everest. Did you have a beer sherpa to help you along the way too?

Anyhow... one more random picture to finish this post:

My wicked-awesome Aunt Christina is off travelling through China, London, and then off to Toronto to spend a year living in Canada, and hopefully learning how to make maple syrup a regular part of all 3 meals in a day. I miss you Chrissy!

Peace out...


Sunday, May 06, 2007

My Anne of Green Gables Pose

In all seriousness, I have no clue what a gable is anyhow. Isn't he a dead actor? And why is he green?

Just a quick shout out to my Canadian posse. Check out this photo, it was taken today. Pretty nice huh? Especially nice when you consider that an Australian May is equivalent to a Canadian November. Let me tell you dudes, it was 20 degrees today. Thanks to global warming, this is a peek at your future winter. Nice!

Peace out...


Wednesday, May 02, 2007

A few more birthday pics...

T'was a fine day for all the big ones and the wee ones, with much to celebrate. I made an appearance of course (which was a great cause for celebration) and in my honor there were present openings, balloon inflatings, balloon poppings, face stuffings (including some painted faces) and lots of the shakey-shakes that I oh so humbly refer to as dancing.

Dad was good at pointing out the finer subtleties around gift opening etiquette. Open the card first? Who came up with that totally unfair rule anyhow?

Dad was not so good at the finer subtleties of checking to make sure the guests had handed over all of their presents. Though he certainly was thorough.

Forget the gifts Mom, check out my pending ninja attack on that pink balloon!

Funny story... Why was I wrapped in ribbons you might ask? Well... apparently it's some sort of Chiam family tradition when it comes to presents so you'd have to ask that side of the family. Trust me, Christmas morning is frightening when you wake up to grown-up real life adult people like Aunty Christina giggling, tying ribbons in her hair, and wearing tree ornaments as earrings. Freaky huh?? Well, that's what Dad thinks anyhow (though he asked me not to say anything... oops!)

Yes, it's true. Mom and Dad got totally smashed and passed out, leaving me to clean up my own party. Or at least that's what I told the lady from social services.

Love to all!

Saskia - officially 1 now!