Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The History of Me

I thought I'd share a couple of interesting photos that Mom and Dad had hidden away in shoeboxes in the back of their closet.

I mean, sure... at first I was absolutely fascinated with just the shoeboxes. I've only just realised what shoes are actually for (until a few days ago I thought they, like all other matter on earth, existed solely for me to eat) and now you tell me that shoes also come in their own boxes? Boxes that I can put stuff into and then take out again? With lids that come on and off?

Oh yes... it was a very good day indeed when I first discovered shoeboxes. But I digress.

Check these out these baby pictures of good ol' Ma and Pa when they were my age:

Thankfully, I didn't inherit Mom's out-of-focus gene!

Dad is secretly a natural blonde? That explains so much.

Check out that killer cold-hearted pout on the 1972 version of Mom! Now that's a familiar look we can both give to the 2007 version of Dad on a regular basis. And that picture of Dad as a baby is the final, undeniable proof that it's his fault I have a double chin. So memo to Mom: We can start with the ice cream and cake in my diet now, and if I get a little plump it'll just be Dad's fault.

That being said, I sure hope I don't inherit his beer gut too. Dad enjoys telling anyone who cares (by which I mean, anyone who can't tell him to stop talking... ie. me!) how much 'hard work' and 'dedication' it took to 'cultivate' that 'shapely' beer gut of his. Yeah, sure thing Dad... I bet it's just as hard as climbing Everest. Did you have a beer sherpa to help you along the way too?

Anyhow... one more random picture to finish this post:

My wicked-awesome Aunt Christina is off travelling through China, London, and then off to Toronto to spend a year living in Canada, and hopefully learning how to make maple syrup a regular part of all 3 meals in a day. I miss you Chrissy!

Peace out...



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