Thursday, March 08, 2007

Here I am!

Right... so I haven't posted in a while even though I have soooo much stuff to talk about I'm likely to explode soon!

The thing is, Dad has been working totally non-stop on some sort of big-mega-huge website launch, while Mom just started back to work at the University and has been spending all her spare time on the computer preparing for classes.

So where does Saskia's blogging time fit into all this you ask? Exactly my point!

Now don't get me wrong, it's not like the parents are ignoring me or anything. I'm still the absolute center of their world... they know it, I know it, and there ain't nothing gonna change that.

(Unless of course they decide to go and have another kid... but I'll deal with that tragedy if it happens. Trust me, I'm doing everything I can right now to keep them so exhausted that all conception-able activities are kept to a minimum!)

Anyhow, my point is that in order to free up some extra time we have entered into the wild and crazy world of supplemental child care services. After careful consideration, Mom and Dad have decided to enlist Grandma Helen to look after me instead of the crazy lady down the street with angry pet monkeys locked in cages in her kitchen. I think they made the right choice. (Though I wouldn't be averse to Grandma Helen WITH the occasional monkey.)

So... as soon as Mom is all caught up with her classes and Dad launches that stupid website I'm gonna be back! With pictures! From a wedding! Where I looked extra cute!

Bye for now...



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