Sunday, January 28, 2007

Happy Holiday

We'll all do well to remember the most important thing about Australia day... it means my birthday is exactly 3 months and 2 days away.

And so to honour my 8-and-14/15-of-a-month birthday all of Australia stopped what they were doing and spent the day celebrating one way or another.

For some it was a private occasion, marked by staying home from work and watching the cricket. For many others however, it was the perfect day to congregate in large crowds, listen to music, eat, drink, and reflect on what the influence of me really means to all of us.

And also, I saw something on the news about this other anniversary of the first colonists landing here thingy.

Anyhow, pictures!

Oops, that's obviously a photo of one of my body doubles... number 9. She handles all of my public appearances in the south end of town.

A generation Z girl can't have too many skills these days, you gotta pad the resume to compete with all those gen X and Y overachievers. Here I am trying to add swinging to my repertoire.

And here I'm practising my miming skills (eventually there will be no glass). As the great Marcel Marceau once said, "_______".

And finally, in my quest to channel the spirit of my great dead hero (what, he's not dead yet? Inconceivable!) here I am practising my high-speed Danger Face (TM). Not that I'm actually in any danger, or frankly going that fast, but just look at the super intensity of my Danger Face (TM).

Those punters at the monster truck rallies will eat it up.



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