Monday, January 08, 2007

I'm back in Australia...

Well I'm safe and sound and had a lovely flight, thanks for asking. Overall I went pretty easy on Mom and Dad during the 14 hour flight from LA. After all, they were strapped into a couple of those cramped little torture chamber bucket seats while I was free to roam around in my little basket-o-fun.

By the way... want to know a great way to pass the hours on an airplane? Wait until Dad is just settling down to watch a movie, and then start crying. Then once he's really distracted stop, give him another 15 minutes to try and get his head around the plot he missed, and repeat. I tell ya, I killed at least 4 hours doing that. Hi-larious!

Anyhow, I had such a great time on our family trip and have so many photos and stories to share. I'll post my wackiest, most sit-com-esque stories over the next week or so (Our Christmas Dinner toast was just a little bit unusual!) but for now I just have two things to tell you about Canada:

1. Eventually, there is always snow. Just after Christmas, the white stuff finally hit the ground.

Unfortunately for me, Bogie the dog thought I looked a little too much like a fire hydrant.

Wouldn't this have made a nice family Christmas card? Too bad it didn't snow until Dec 26!

2. They drive on the other side of the road in Canada, which is why I had so much trouble parking the truck when we went to Walmart. Or at least, that was my excuse when the cop pulled me over.

I swear officer, I haven't had any eggnog. Those shopping carts just jumped in front of me!




Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Saskia

Welcome back! Glad to know that you are back in Melbourne (bit of a shame with all that bushfire smoke) and that you really entertained your Dad on the flight.

You seem to have mastered driving - so am sure your parents will be happy to be chauferred around. Just keep re-using those photos if they object!

Take care and hope to see you soon

Mel C

12:04 PM  

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