Saturday, July 28, 2007

I'm Back!

I know you're all wondering where I've been lately. What can I say, I've been busy growing up. A girl like me has places to go, people to see, and a nemesis to slander. My calendar has been booked solid for weeks, I think I might need a PA.

But the good news is, I'm back now and I've brought a whole bunch of new pictures with me!

Admit it. You've missed this adorable face, haven't you?

So anyhow, here's today's theme: what could I be when I grow up? First, there are the obvious options... to follow in the footsteps of my parents:

A lawyer perhaps?

Like most children with lawyer parents, Mom is always telling me to eat my greens, wear clean underwear... and to always believe that constitutional expressions must be given contemporary meaning as befits the character of a national basic law, which is extremely resistant to formal amendment but which must, of necessity, apply to new, unforseen and possibly unforseeable circumstances.

Of course, I don't eat my greens either. So there.

"No Mom, YOU'RE out of order!"

Or maybe I'll follow my Dads path more closely. Will I turn out to be a computer geek?

I dunno... I'm a 15 month old blogger who just uploaded a video to YouTube while configuring my spam filter. So what do you think?

I really need to stop surfing these food sites between meals.

Yeah, I suppose it could go either way. But c'mon people, that would be soooo predictable. And you know me... I like to shake things up a bit. So I've been trying out a few other career options lately.

Some of my more traditional ideas are...

Librarian? As you can see I've already perfected the death stare.

"Shhh! Stop with the tomfoolery you noisy kids!"

Or how about a furniture removalist?

Lets face it. Overalls probably aren't the best look for me. They really don't go with my Dolce OR my Gabbana.

And then I had some not-so-safe ideas...

White female rapper?

"Lil Missy Mack Sass sez... you betta git outta my face before I cap you one sucka!"

Yeah... Mom and Dad weren't really big fans of that idea. Suddenly there was a lot more country and western being played around the house. Enough with the Patsy Cline already Dad!!

So I thought a little harder. What other job could I do that would freak out the parents? Master thief perhaps?

I suppose this photo could have been labeled 'electrician' instead of 'thief', but look at my face. I'm obviously guilty of something!

This whole thieving thing looks like it's not really a promising career choice, especially considering I've just uploaded a photo of myself to the internet pulling my very first job. Pink Panther I am not.

So... in the end, it's just too early to know for sure what career I'll have. Though one thing IS for sure however, no matter what I do I'm gonna look totally smokin' hot when I do it! Just like my mom.

I'd better look this good when I'm broken down, used up and over the hill at 35.

Oh yeah, one more thing... there's a huge gathering of people in Sudbury this weekend, and I know a lot of them read this blog. So I put together a little compilation video to say hello, and give you a peek into my world these days.

Did I mention I can walk now? Check out this video proof:

Was that awesome, or was it AWESOME? Seriously, that was four-and-a-half minutes of award winning melodrama. Pure cinematic gold. I laughed, I cried, I had a wee.

It's clearly Oscar winning material. Or at least, it would be if the Academy were made up of both my Grandmothers and nobody else. Which it probably should be, because Grandma's know talent!

Bye for now...



Anonymous Anonymous said...

dear saskia... your latest blog entry is tops! i especially enjoyed your video. what acting! your portrayal of a one year old is so accurate and tender... you had me in tears! and what's with the parents always wanting you to put on a show any way? yes yes, you are thier performance monkey now!
love you and miss you.
auntie michelle.
ps. i did not make it up to sudbury (one sick dylan stopped us all) couldn't take any chances after the xmas adventure!! but they all say hello and know to check out your star performance on the blog. kisses.

11:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sass - You're the bomb baby. Love your new tricks!

Baby T

1:01 PM  

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