Saturday, April 29, 2006

Introducing... me!

Hi there. I'm Saskia. Saskia Robin Tsu-Min Cormier, to be precise. This is me with my parents. I'm about 3 hours old at this point.

I came in at a pretty big 8 pounds 4 ounces. I also have big feet, and the doctor who delivered me said he thinks I'll be tall.

And although I'm only quarter Chinese, I must say that I look pretty darned asian so far!

My dad keeps telling everyone I look like an Eskimo. As soon as I can talk, I'm going to tell everyone he looks like an Eskimo Pie! Ha! Yeah, that'll be a great comeback... c'mon vocal cords, develop!

Hi mom!

OK... here's where I meet my mom. She's great, having gone through a LOT to get me here.

Dad was around somewhere, though it was rumored he may have passed out at some point...


OK, too much information in this picture right? First of all... I'm naked. Have you no shame oh parents of mine? Not cool!

Secondly, I'm covered in goo and stuff. That look's just not working for me.

But then again... you can't look away can you? I'm too good looking, even here! I knew it.

Here I come...

Mom's getting ready to pop me out! Labour couldn't have been too hard, she's smiling!

(Note from Dad: Actually, labour hadn't started yet. The smiling ended soon afterwards.)

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


So I figured out what I'm getting 'induced' into. A family! Check out these photos... creepy huh?

Apparently they're called 'parents'. All the cool kids have them. And apparently I'll be spending a LOT of time with mine.

I see they've been preparing and practising for my arrival. I sure hope they do a better job with me than they did with that other kid. He looks terrible...


So there was another voice today, claimed he was a doctor. He was talking about some sort of 'induction' taking place in the next day or so, and it was all about me.

Sounds exciting! I'm not quite sure what an induction is, but I imagine it's like this really great party where I get... well, inducted into something I guess. Maybe it's like some kind of baby hall-of-fame? Am I going to get a plaque?

I better start working on my acceptance speech just in case...

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

I'm late...

Or so the voices keep telling me. I don't know what they mean.

I swear... if I've overslept it's not my fault. It's my clock... yeah, the clock caused it! I must have mixed up the AM/PM thingy. Or maybe it's because I haven't yet developed a sense of time and don't actually know what a calendar is for.

Nine months? Yeah, I think it's almost time. I just want to sleep in a little bit longer...

Home sweet home

Hey, check it out... it's a picture of my house! As seen from space.

Once of these days I'd like to think I might go exploring and see what it's really like out there.

But for now, I'm very comfortable. Why should I go outside at all?

Still very very dark...

But I hear a lot of gurgling noises. And of course, those darned voices in my head. I can't seem to shut them out. Occasionally calling my name and singing off key.

The nice, soft voice keeps telling me to "Get out and about!" The other voice oddly seems to say "Get oot and aboot!" I'm not quite sure what that means.

Well, time for a good stretch. I can just make out some really soft and squishy shapes nearby. The big one near me seems to be very pancreas-like. I think I'll give it a kick.

Monday, April 24, 2006


OK... so just this minute I sort of became self aware.
