Sunday, February 25, 2007

Picking up the pace...

Check out my audition tape for 2 Fast 2 Furious.

Yeah, I had a bit of a wipeout there at the end... which nixed any chance I had to replace Vin Diesel. I blame Dad for getting in my way. If I hadn't swerved at the last second, he'd only have 7 toes left. Then we'd see who was showing who how to walk!

Love to all!


Sunday, February 11, 2007

Piling up those Air Miles...

I flew to Canberra for the weekend to visit some friends, and took Mom and Dad along for the ride. If you're keeping track, that'd be 10 flights now. I'm 9 and a half months old. You do the math, I'm what you'd call an insanely-frequent flyer.

Needless to say, with my points-to-age ratio I should automatically get Platinum status and lifetime membership to the super exclusive Qantas Ultra-Luxury-Not-For-Losers-Club. Instead, I got bupkis. Apparently there's some kind of ridiculous requirement that you must actually be old enough to sit in your own seat before you can earn points. Just another example of blatant anti-baby discrimination. My brothers and sisters in arms (I mean that literally, most of them are still in their parents' arms) will hear of this!

Here's Dad pleading with me to end my protest and board the plane to Canberra. Eventually, I was promised sultanas. I was hungry. I relented. Touche Dad!

Of course, once I made it to Canberra I was the life of the party. I was especially interested to check out how my nemesis Jackie was doing! Turns out she and her dreamboat husband Todd are having a baby. I'm thinking I probably don't have a chance with him anymore.

*Sigh* You'll never forget your first true heartbreak. The pain of my shattered heart will haunt my soul forever.

But life goes on! Here's a photo of me breaking the ice as I tell one of my favourite politically incorrect jokes to the gang...

"So a baby seal walks into a bar..."

"C'mon guys don't look at me like that, it's pure comedy gold!"

Thankfully, Mom's friend Helen has always been sympathetic to my unrequited crush... and so in order to cheer me up she went and had twin boys, Alex and Nicholas. (Not to be confused with these other famous greek twins named Alex and Nick.)

Thanks for that Auntie Helen, it's just what a girl like me needed in my fragile state. Well, that and some hardcore shoe shopping. I owe you one.



Sunday, February 04, 2007

I can spell ubiquitous now!

Oh my gawd. Parents are so embarrassing. First of all, they insisted on coming with me to the beach (like I want to be seen lounging in the surf with them!) Then, they refused to let me wear my smokin' hot new bathing suit.

Anyhow, it was capital-eh-choh-tee HOT on Sunday so in the end I was just glad to get out of the house no matter what Mom made me wear. Luckily, I look good in pretty much everything... so no harm done.

It was a pretty nice beach, with a spectacular view of the city. And an ice-cream truck. Which is why I'm not bothering to check out the spectacular-ness of the view. How is it I've been alive for 9 whole months now and nobody has bothered to introduce me to the truly revolutionary concept of food being served from a truck? Ding a ling Mr. Softee!

Dad took me into the ocean for the first time ever. He said it was going to be just like bathtime, but I was a little freaked out. Unlike my tub at home, there was no rubber duck, no plastic boats, and no soapy bubbles. Plus there was a slightly awkward fish-are-gonna-eat-me-for-dinner vibe happening, which kind of put a dampener on my mood.

(Dad never saw the shark, he said it was all in my imagination... but look closely at the photo above. The camera never lies!)

My Dad is many great things... a great procrastinator, a great excuse maker (for the last time Mom, that wasn't me who farted in the car!) and the man is really really good at Tetris. All important life skills, sure... But photography? Not really his cup of tea. Good thing mom takes most of the photos, or you'd all think I was born out of focus.

Case in point: the ubiquitous family beach shot, above. I dunno, maybe it's just me, maybe I'm being a little self centered... but shouldn't a photograph of me actually include me?

Anyhow... we're off to Canberra next week to visit friends (and enemies!) so I'm sure to have more stories for you then.

Later doods!
