Friday, December 22, 2006

I Found Snow!

Just a quick update for you all from way out in the wild and woolly bushland of Ontario!

In the months leading up to our trip, Dad promised me I would see snow. Well my Daddy is no liar! Check it out:

I seem to be slightly overdressed.

Yes, that's all the snow I could find. Just enough to make a tiny miniature snowman perhaps, and that's about it. But wait... Dad also promised me we were staying in a luxury cottage:

Not quite the accommodation I was promised.

To be fair... that's actually a picture of me and Dad in front of Bogie the dog's cabin. Why does Bogie get his own cabin you ask? Just look at him... he could eat a moose. So when a 250 pound bear-masquerading-as-a-puppy wants his own cabin, he gets his own cabin.

Anyhow... I probably won't get a chance to post again until after Christmas, so all the best to everyone and I hope your holiday loot is top notch!

I leave you now with one final picture:

Can there be anything cuter that me under the tree? I think not.

Peace Out!


Sunday, December 10, 2006

We've arrived, where is all the white stuff?

Canada snow report: zilch!

Is it cold? Sure... I can see my breath (which has helped me realise that smoking is not a good look for a 7 month old baby, despite what the big tobacco companies might think.)

But even without the fluffy stuff, oh MAN Canada is so much more exciting than you would think. Get this... they drive on the wrong side of the road for fun! It's like we're playing chicken with other cars all day long. I think it's some sort of right-of-passage-slash-test-of-manhood thing, cause Dad gets all nostalgic about those 'good old days driving around Toronto' (ummm... Dad, so are you saying times aren't so good now? Are we speaking without thinking again? I thought we were going to stop doing that?) While Mom keeps getting freaked out every time we turn a corner into what she thinks is oncoming traffic.

Anyhow, driving aside... the main news is that we're here, and we arrived safely.

Allow me to share my adventures so far through the magic of amusingly captioned pictures:

Here I am just before we take off, checking out the plane from the terminal. I figured if I threw a couple of my patented ultra-cute smiles at the pilots we'd get bumped up into first class for sure. I can't understand why that didn't work!

It may not be first class, but I was pretty happy with my spot on the plane. Not only did I get to sit and sleep in my own fold-away bed, but there was this other really cool chick named Grace who was bunked up right next to me. We had a blast staying up all night playing Truth or Dare - Baby Edition. (As in, I dare you to scream at the top of your lungs as soon as everyone else falls asleep!)

OK... we've arrived and right away we're into my grandmother's 80th birthday party. So here's a random people shot: Half the face of my uncle Jamey (looks like Dad but without hair) and my uncle Shayne (looks like Dad with an Amish beard) and my cousin Dylan (looks like Dad but slightly shorter and with more hair) and my aunt Michelle (looks like Dad if he were just a little bit prettier) and my uncle Shayne's girlfriend Morgan (who luckily looks nothing like Dad.)

Here I am showing off my climbing skills for my cousins Mia and Mackenzie. Nobody told me I was supposed to wear red stripes, I was so embarassed.

Mia and her mom Jaime, and Mom and me. I'm not sure why they keep handling us like we were handbags... though if we are handbags, I want to be a Hermes bag, and Mia can be a Gucci. (I'm tired of always being the Gucci!)

Say hello to my Great Nanny folks... yeah, she's 80 years old and she's still got plenty of spunk! Unbeatable at Scrabble, because she just makes up words and won't let anyone challenge her. She makes her own rules, how cool is that! She's my new idol. I wanna grow up just like her. Also in this picture are my cousins Chelsea and Kayla, Mackenzie and her dad (trying just a little too hard to go all Indiana Jones with that hat) and one really freaky life like baby doll that never blinks.

Mom, Mia, Dylan and I. What am I looking at you ask? Well nobody else seems to notice that there is a tree in the corner of the house with blazing lights all over it. Yes, I said a tree. Inside the house. Blazing. Am I the only one who finds that slightly disturbing?

Balloons rule! I love anything that can defy gravity. And that I can chew on.

I'm trying to teach Dad how to play my favourite Christmas carol on the piano. But unfortunately, he's terrible. I can't wait for a chance to do some solo stuff, so as soon as I can get up on that piano stool without him I'm gonna kick him outta the band!

This is my aunt Michelle, Dylan's mom. Again, do I look like a handbag?

Mom and Dad just don't seem to be in awe of Great Nanny... don't they understand how cool she is? I can't not stare at her. (And please don't tell her I used a double negative or she'll be so dissapointed she'll never let me beat her at Scrabble!)

It's Crazy Hug Lady! She scared me almost as much as Crazy 70's Mustache Man (aka Grandpa Dave, aka Poppy.) Yes, we seem to be a family full of nicknames and aliases. Like the Canadian Mafia. Which we are not (but be careful about crossing us just in case.)

My cousin Dylan and I, practicing our synchronised pouting. Yes, that's Crazy Hug Lady creeping up on us in the background. Man I can't shake her... she's everywhere!

Whew, that's a lot of pictures. That's just a sampling mind you, it's been quite the adventure so far. I hope to have more pictures to show later.

But until then, catch you later!


Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Off to Canada

So I had like this awesome, best ever blog posting that went with these photos. It was funny as all get out, and moving, and ummm... inspirational, yeah really inspirational and life changing. We're talking award winning content. And did I mention the choice bon mots sprinkled throughout? Man, a couple of those one-liners... I swear, you would have been at serious risk of suffering from exploded kidney syndrome due to such genius, gut-busting humour.

But instead, you will never know the joy of my blogging masterpiece. After spending an hour crafting my words and formulating the perfect story, Blogger goes and breaks. Gone. Deleted without any warning or explanation. Not my fault, Bloggers fault. My wit and wisdom erased forever, never to be imparted on future generations.

Why Blogger, Why? Why would you destroy the dreams and hopes and aspirations of a 7 month old little girl? Bad Blogger, very bad.


So here are the pictures I meant to post, and a few very abridged references to the 'lost post' minus all the genius bits.

I'm coming to Canada, look at me in this awkwardly fit warming bag-thingy, isn't it somewhat amusing how small I am?

I'm coming to Canada, look at me chairing a conference between Moose-es and Bears in an attempt to ingratiate myself with the top of the Canadiana food chain. (And let me tell you, I had a real zinger here about the salmon canapes and maple syrup. For shame Blogger!)

Last weekend Grandma Helen threw an early Christmas party for us since we'll be away. Look at me laughing at something. What is so funny you wonder? Only Blogger knows.

Dad has a birthday coming up while we're away, look at me helping him blow out the flaming sticks.


It was soooo much funnier the first time I wrote this.

See you all later, I'll try to post from Canada if possible!
