So I woke up today and like all of a sudden it's some sort of special day for Dad! Fathers Day? I mean who invented that? And why wasn't I consulted? I need a new secretary, nobody sent me the memo.
So anyhow here I am waking up and thinking that Mom should be paying special attention to
me and there's like no Saskia time. It's all "Ohh, I love you Saskia's Dad" and "Can I make you some pancakes for breakfast Saskia's Dad?"
I want to know when Saskia day is!
Here is me dreaming about Saskia Day, note that I have replaced my father. How disturbingly Oedipal.
Anyhow, just to make sure that people started paying attention to ME again, I decided to perform my mysterious dance of the seven terrycloths. Yeah baby... check me out!
After terrycloth #2, I'm usually pretty much wiped out.
Finally I resign myself to the fact that one day a year, Dad is allowed to be the centre of attention. He'd just better not start dancing with terrycloths. Seriously, Mom has begged him to never do it again.
Eventually, life returns to normal. By which of course I mean upside down.
Later skaters!