Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Da Da Da

So it turns out that when I referred to Dad as a 'keyboard monkey' in my last post I might have bruised his fragile ego or something, cause all of a sudden he gets all passive aggressive on us and says got this huge work commitment thing happening and he gets all stressed... and suddenly there's no time for ME anymore! So obviously, it's all totally his fault I haven't blogged in a while.

Here's me hiding from Dad's rampaging id. Can you find me?
However, I am nothing if not a resourceful girl. I've learned that all I have to do is throw a little baby love Dad's way and he'll be right back on board with my agenda. So I've started with the 'Da Da Da' noises. Now you and I know full well that I'm a huge 80s music fan and 'Da Da Da' is simply my tribute to a classic song. But Dad, well... I let him read into it whatever he wants. He thinks I'm calling him 'Dad' and once again he's eating out of the palm of my hand.


Anyhow... so what have I been up to with Mom while Dad's been away at work?

Well for starters I've been throwing myself into my own work. Yes, I do have a job (it's not like I'm some kind of Paris Hilton socialite who never actually contributes to society!) My career is really important. It involves moving toys around the floor and it requires specialised skills and quick thinking. Just the other day the toybox shifted suddenly and I had to decide what to do about it in an instant! Let me tell you that disaster was narrowly averted when I was able to ensure Big Ted and Millie the Floppy Dog didn't have to come into contact with each other (it's a long story, but since they broke up things have been a little awkward.)

Tragedy averted!
And as you might have noticed, I've gone and learned how to pull myself up to a kneeling position, which is pretty darned cool. It's a much better view from up high. And I have just a few more techniques to master and I'll be ready to qualify for the 2008 Baby Olympics. (I intend to master the 100 meter freestyle crawl... I'm shooting to beat the world record of 4 hours 26 minutes! I think I've got a shot too if those Eastern European babies stay off the juice.)

Watch for me in Bejing in 08!



Monday, November 20, 2006

It's really me I tell you....

OK, sure... I have previously admitted that occasionally I get a wee bit of technical help from Dad when I blog. But lately I've been hearing rumors that I don't actually post to this blog myself. I mean really, have the press got nothing better to do than to continue making up stories about me?


Let me set things straight. While it's true that just like any other girl I could use more personal assistants to deal with my hectic schedule (even with Mom, Dad and Grandma Helen in regular rotation I can barely get through the day - hey Mom, how about a little brother to help out around the house?) it's the regular contact with you - the little people who count for so much - that is the best and most rewarding part of my day.

See? While I may not be me moving the actual mouse I am commanding someone to do my bidding. (Type faster monkey man!)

Seriously, if I'm not the real Saskia Robin Tsu-Min Cormier blogging to you right now, this instant... I'll eat the house.

As you can see, house is un-eatable. Believe me, I tried.


Video is fixed.

All it took was a couple of whacks with my toy hammer and a whole lot of drooling, but somehow I managed to fix the blog. Now you can actually watch the videos I post. Like the one in my last post. Which contrasts nicely with this one from June.

(Can you believe just a few months ago I couldn't hold my head up without help from Dad? Now that I've got wheels I am one independent Thelma or Louise!)

Later folks...


Thursday, November 16, 2006

Like greased lightning...

You know me, I see paparazzi... and I move fast like a ninja snake, and strike like a cobra snake! Watch me take a camera down... but don't blink, or you'll miss it.

(Yes, I am aware a cobra is a snake... duh.) Vengeance is mine!

Peace out...


Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Me and my Horse

It was Melbourne Cup day today, so everyone in Melbourne was completely pre-occupied with the horse races and nothing else. Not even with my hair (can you believe it?)

I've decided I love those jockey fashions... such tiny people, such big bold coloured jerseys! I figure I'd make a pretty good jockey myself (and I do look good in stripes) so in an attempt to show my Cup spirit I ran my horse at Grandma Helen's...


Although to the casual observer my horse might look like Uncle Nick, in fact I guarantee you he is a certified thoroughbred stud and his name is 'Slowkie McPokie'. We had 180-1 odds against us coming into the race, which I thought was actually pretty generous considering the gaming commission 'accidentally' left us off the main bill. So of course, I bet the house against me and managed to turn a tidy little profit. Now to buy Telstra shares...

I can say this much about Slowkie McPokie... he may not be the winningest horse I've ever ridden, but he does give good hugs. For a horse. Which he is.



Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Hip Hip Hooray!

Behold, the awesome-ness of my Photoshop skilz:

I tell ya, nothing says 'I love you Mom' like tye dyed swirlies and an odd reference to pirates. Why a pirate themed card you ask? Because it's her birthday silly, and that deserves something special. Duh!

Or perhaps, like my mom... I just have an all encompassing Johnny Depp fascination that borders on the unhealthy. Maybe that's what I inherited from her (besides the nose of course.)

Either way... because I love her, and because it's her birthday... I made my Mom an awesome pirate birthday card. She rocks.

Props to my old lady!
