Monday, March 26, 2007

Just another typical weekend.

I thought I'd give you the skinny on how I spend my precious weekends.

(Though truth be told, when you've got Mommy and Daddy and Grandma catering to your every whim then it pretty much feels like EVERY day is Sunday for me. In fact, the only reason I even notice it's the weekend is because Dad doesn't bother to get out of his pajamas until 3 in the afternoon, and his face gets especially prickly. Ouch!)

So just what kind of shenanigans can a darling Aussie girl like myself get up to?

I do love the supermarket trollies!

Gotta stock up on the 4 basic baby food groups... mush, crackers, cereal, and green mush. Mmmm... green mush.

Breakdancing! Here I am mid-spin, oh yeah!

The 80's will live on forever in our house as long as my Mom keeps singing Wham songs. Which reminds me... why do you need to wake up before you go-go? That's what nappies are for, duh!

Wax on! Wax off!

Mom wants me to do ballet, but Dad keeps making me watch Jackie Chan movies and practice my ninja skills. Somehow I suspect he might eventually want a son. Lucky for him, I look good in the outfits so it's OK with me. For now, I kind of like being a kung-foo tomboy. And Daddy says it will help me handle the boys.

Lawn Swimming... oh yeah, it is too a real sport!

I like to get a few laps in around the pool whenever I can. I mean, sure... there's no water here. We are in a drought after all. And I have a bit of a phobia about large bodies of water. But hey, who needs water to go swimming when you look this good in a trendy flouro swimsuit?

Saski-fact: hair in my eyes actually makes me happier!

Yeah, I have lots of good times. I'm a lucky girl. So there you have it, a standard Saskia weekend.

Well... except for the fact that this past Saturday I found out I had a brand spanking new cousin! Well, second cousin or something. Actually, my Dad's cousins' kid. I think that makes him third cousin twice removed with a cherry on top. Mmmmm, cherry...

Say hello to Jack Brady Pawelek!! Welcome to the real world kiddo.

Just look at him, he's so fresh outta the oven! And you see how much he loves to sleep? That's the patented Cormier laziness gene in action. Or inaction, depending on how you look at it.

And check out that full mop-o-hair! Obviously, we are very closely related.

Peace out, and congrats to Aunt Colleen and Uncle Mark! Jack is a cutie-patootie.


Sunday, March 18, 2007

Happy Birthday Aunt Michelle!

So according to the calculations I ran up on my toy abacus (Dad won't me touch his calculator since I tried to eat it last time) my uber-cool aunt Michelle is turning 168 years old today. Well done chick-ee-taa, it's nice to see a woman your age looking so good, it gives me some faith in my gene pool.

However, it is *slightly* possible I got my calculations wrong somewhere... I think I might have forgotten to carry the sheep when I added up the duck and the cow. Damn Fisher Price and their complicated farmyard based principles of mathematics! (Though their Lil' Kingdom Castle approach to trigonometry is highly recommended.)

We love you in Oz aunt Michelle!



Tuesday, March 13, 2007

The Wedding

OK, I'm back! The crazy-busy period that hit the Chormier family over the last couple of weeks has finally passed, and the world's greatest 10.5 month old blogger is ready to start churning out more of her patented top quality baby content. Now about that uncle Nick and aunt Libby wedding I mentioned...

So as soon as the invitation arrived I immediately turned it into an opportunity to demand Mom and Dad take me in to get my hair done. True, I'd been putting my first ever trip to the salon off for a while because... well, lets be frank. When you're blessed with these hair genes you generally don't need a hairdresser to achieve a truly striking look. (And when I say striking of course I mean shockingly-good-looking, not feels-like-a-slap-in-the-face. Just wanted to clear that up.)

My normal routine of rubber duck splashiness in the bath and sleeping on it damp normally does the trick for me. But what girl doesn't want to glam up for a special occasion?

I'm so glad Mom warned me about the whole 'coming at you from behind with sharp scissors' thing or Monica the hairdresser would have had to deal with my awesome ninja defence skills.

So then I took the new doo along to show off at this whole wedding-event-thingy. The first thing you have to realise about weddings is that unless you are dressed in white you're not really going to be the centre of attention. And since Mom and Dad warned me that it's really un-cool to wear a flowing white dress to someone else's wedding (who knew?) instead I went all out and suited up with a wild and stylish sherbet coloured frock.

And of course, all the hip fashionistas out there will immediately spot my Vera Wang wooden spoon, the latest in must-have wedding accessories. And it matches my eyes, bonus!

So early on I staked out a seat near the front, and settled in to wait for the bride to arrive. However, nobody had bothered to warn me about how uncomfortable church pews are to those of us with 'sensitive' tushies. To save getting splinters in one of my best assets I had grandma entertain me for a while.

But mostly I just hung out grooving to those funky pipe organ beats while we waited for the ceremony to start.

Ina Gadda da Vida... indeed!

I will admit is was difficult dealing with the paparazzi, but not like it normally is. Usually I have to fight them off just to get the occasional private moment without some camera going off in my face! But here, at Nick and Libby's wedding, it was like I somehow wasn't the most fascinating person in the room. Let me tell you... it was hard work getting those paparazzi to even notice me! Can you believe I had to chase them for a change?

Here's a shot of uncle Nick with uncle Louis, his best man, as they wait for Libby. Even my Dad managed to get himself into the shot. But they weren't interested in cute little me at all!

Did you notice the pinky-yellowish blob struggling to try and get into focus?

I made darned sure I was in this shot!

It's a humbling experience when you're not the prettiest girl in the room (I'm not quite sure how regular people deal with it day in and day out) but of course Uncle Nick totally scored himself a hottie, so what can a girl like me do except sit back and admire aunt Libby and her super classy style?

That totally awesome dress was actually made in 1947. Who knew Libby was that old? Grrl power!

And finally, check out how wicked my cousin Caitlin looks as the flower girl.

Boy, I'd sure like the opportunity to be a flower girl one day. I'm thinking I might get to audition for the part in auntie Christina's wedding, though the dress may be a bit small for me since I'll likely be pushing 30 at the time. Which means I'll be able to arrive in my flying robot car, and my date will probably be a hologram. So yeah, that'll be kind of cool.



Thursday, March 08, 2007

Here I am!

Right... so I haven't posted in a while even though I have soooo much stuff to talk about I'm likely to explode soon!

The thing is, Dad has been working totally non-stop on some sort of big-mega-huge website launch, while Mom just started back to work at the University and has been spending all her spare time on the computer preparing for classes.

So where does Saskia's blogging time fit into all this you ask? Exactly my point!

Now don't get me wrong, it's not like the parents are ignoring me or anything. I'm still the absolute center of their world... they know it, I know it, and there ain't nothing gonna change that.

(Unless of course they decide to go and have another kid... but I'll deal with that tragedy if it happens. Trust me, I'm doing everything I can right now to keep them so exhausted that all conception-able activities are kept to a minimum!)

Anyhow, my point is that in order to free up some extra time we have entered into the wild and crazy world of supplemental child care services. After careful consideration, Mom and Dad have decided to enlist Grandma Helen to look after me instead of the crazy lady down the street with angry pet monkeys locked in cages in her kitchen. I think they made the right choice. (Though I wouldn't be averse to Grandma Helen WITH the occasional monkey.)

So... as soon as Mom is all caught up with her classes and Dad launches that stupid website I'm gonna be back! With pictures! From a wedding! Where I looked extra cute!

Bye for now...
