Sunday, July 23, 2006

Sunday Lunch

Usually on Sundays Mom's family gathers for dinner together at Grandma Helen's. There's always good food, Nick is always late, Christina is usually hung over, Dad always pretends he likes soup, and Mom obsesses that the dog is going to try to eat me... but still it's fun for all.

This week we had lunch instead, and Mom took some pics.

I'm not quite sure what Dad was trying to do there... I think he spilled something on the counter and figured he could use me to wipe it up. But otherwise, I had lots of fun.

Peace Out!


(PS: Next weekend Mom and Dad are taking me to Canberra for 4 days, so I'll have lots of pictures and stories when we get back!)

Friday, July 21, 2006

Visiting Grandma Helen

Mom has been putting me on show to all of her friends and let me tell you, it's tough to be 'on' all the time. So this week I thought I'd get a break by hangin with my Original G... Grandma Helen.

Little did I know GH had me booked up for some show pony action as well.

First I hung out with Grandma Helen's furry surrogate 'child' Millie. (Seriously, I only found out what a dog was like two days ago... I had always thought Millie was just an extremely hairy cousin).

Then GH introduced me to her friend Helen J. A lovely time was had by all, as I managed to refrain from giving Helen J my usual vomit-esque hello. It took a lot of restraint! I mean look at her lovely, clean white jumper... like a blank canvas just crying out for an artistic contribution by moi.

I had to take a nap later... but I was interrupted by the paparazzi and almost gave that photographer a Sean Penn special right in the kisser! They need to respect my boundaries, you know what I'm saying?



Sunday, July 16, 2006

Oh Canada

So I'm not sure if everyone has heard by now, but I'm half Canadian. Which means I was born impervious to cold and with a love of the snow. I'll probably learn to ski before I learn to walk, and my lifelong ambition is to become the first woman to win the Iditarod while wearing a Gucci parka.

Note from Mom: I'm not sure where these 'Canadian' things will come from, since Dad doesn't like the cold, can't ski, or as far as I know has never been anywhere near a dogsled.

Note from Dad: I had a life before I met you you know.

Note from Mom: Not much of one from what your friends tell me.

Note from Dad: You can't believe everything Manny says!

Excuse me! Hello parents... stop hijacking my blog!

Anyhoo, to celebrate my Canadian roots, I decided to wear my Canadian Roots shirt the other day. (Tess's Mom and Dad gave it to me... they seem to be normal parents, I wonder what that's like.)

Tres chic, no? Who doesn't love a beaver?

I also wanted to make sure everyone knows that I'm coming to Canada this Christmas. In fact, Dad was trying to demonstrate how air travel works...

Duh... Dad, I just got off the plane from New Zealand. And 'Air Dad' doesn't offer me the level of service I've become accustomed to. Where were my complimentary peanuts?

OK... I'll finish up with some cute shots of me on my new exercise regime... it's called 'Tummy Time' and all the kids are doing it.

97... 98... 99 push ups... 100! And I'm done.

Time for a break before I hit the showers.

Peace out!


Saturday, July 15, 2006

Mothers Group

Hey, that's not my Mom!

That's actually my mom's friend Sophie, with her baby who is named... Madeline! Freaky coincidence huh?

Mom tried to get me to make friends with the other babies, but I couldn't stop daydreaming about the day I finally get to dress myself. I thought this particular orange/pink combo that Mom selected for me was just a bit hippy-esque... but then I saw Alice (aka Rainbow Sunshine Tofu) with her orange/green/pink flowers combo and realised that by comparison I was a model of modern conservatism.



Sunday, July 09, 2006

Stop making me dance like a drunk monkey for your own amusement!

OK... so you tell me. This outfit, hot or not? As you can tell by the expression on my face I think it makes me look like a fluffy albino hobbit... not cool oh parents of mine, very not cool.

And even though I clearly expressed my displeasure with being forced to wear this outfit in public (yes, there was plenty-o-vomit involved) Dad still felt the need to show me off to the crazy market ladies who sell their bruised bananas for $13 a kilo. Like he really needs to impress them!

I have a new friend, his name is Snake. He often tells me very amusing jokes that only I can hear. Thankfully, I'm too young to have ever seen that terrifying movie Anaconda (seriously, J-Lo hadn't had her nose job yet, scary!) but I'm really looking forward to seeing Snakes on a Plane which should confirm my belief that all snakes are soft and cuddly.

Dad keeps trying to see if I can walk yet, which I find most uncomfortable. As you can see.

So I decided I had to sit Dad down and make it absolutely clear to him. I gave him the big speech.... "I am two months old! I am not yet ready! Stop making me dance like a drunk monkey for your own amusement!"

So we came to an agreement... I would continue to look cute and Dad would continue to carry me everywhere. Sucker.


Saturday, July 01, 2006

My New Zealand Adventure

Well, I'm back safe and sound in Melbourne everyone! My very first international jaunt was pretty satisfying all things considered, and Mom really enjoyed seeing everyone at the conference.

The actual flying bit of the trip didn't bother me as much as everyone thought it would, though if airplane food is anything to go by I'll gladly stay on breastmilk for the forseeable future. Man, those ham sandwhiches looked like they were made of fibreglass!

Here I am on the plane. Let me tell you, I don't know what everyone complains about... I had plenty of legroom in economy! I did have one issue however, what happened to my headphones? I mean, I love Grandma Helen and Mom dearly but 3 consecutive hours of goo-goo-ing and gaa-gaa-ing meant I couldn't watch the movie. Which is a shame, because for all I know Pauly Shore might just be the most gifted actor of his generation. But since I couldn't watch Encino Man, I'll have to take my Dad's word for it that he is.

Here you can see how Mom managed to fit me into her very hectic schedule, right after "Pacific Perspectives on International Law" and just before "International Law and Democratic Theory". I don't mean to brag (oh, who am I kidding, of course I love to toot my own horn) but I like to think that I was actually the big hit of the conference.

And now, a shout out to my New En-Zee Crew! Mom took me around to meet the most important people, and although they were all aware of my controversial opinion on the application of international treaties in Australian law... we still managed to get along just fine. Respect to my homies!

Since Mom was at the conference for so much of the time, Grandma Helen and I hung out and did all the New Zealand touristy things together. Wellington is a pretty happening city actually...

Here we are in our hotel.

Oh oh! Better watch out for those wacky kiwi birds, they're everywhere!

What would New Zealand be without sheep?

If it's Friday, it must be Heli-Skiing day!

That's right, Grandma Helen and I went into the mountains to carve up some sweet powder. Man, there was this one time when Grandma Helen was just shredding this really wicked corner on her snowboard and... what, you don't believe me?

OK, the truth is we didn't actually get out much. I spent most of my time sleeping or playing with Grandma Helen. Thank goodness she was there!

We did get out one afternoon to 'Te Papa' (the New Zealand national museum) where Mom thought it would be really funny to leave me alone in front of this terrifying Emu like creature called a Moa! I'm pretty sure I once saw the same monster destroy Tokyo with it's fire breath and laser beam eyes, but that might have been a movie.

I look pretty scared there don't I? Well don't worry folks, it was all for show. I mean, sure I pooped up my nappie pretty quick... but that had nothing to do with that look of absolute terror on my face. I'm pretty sure it was gas.

Bye for now!
