Sunday, July 16, 2006

Oh Canada

So I'm not sure if everyone has heard by now, but I'm half Canadian. Which means I was born impervious to cold and with a love of the snow. I'll probably learn to ski before I learn to walk, and my lifelong ambition is to become the first woman to win the Iditarod while wearing a Gucci parka.

Note from Mom: I'm not sure where these 'Canadian' things will come from, since Dad doesn't like the cold, can't ski, or as far as I know has never been anywhere near a dogsled.

Note from Dad: I had a life before I met you you know.

Note from Mom: Not much of one from what your friends tell me.

Note from Dad: You can't believe everything Manny says!

Excuse me! Hello parents... stop hijacking my blog!

Anyhoo, to celebrate my Canadian roots, I decided to wear my Canadian Roots shirt the other day. (Tess's Mom and Dad gave it to me... they seem to be normal parents, I wonder what that's like.)

Tres chic, no? Who doesn't love a beaver?

I also wanted to make sure everyone knows that I'm coming to Canada this Christmas. In fact, Dad was trying to demonstrate how air travel works...

Duh... Dad, I just got off the plane from New Zealand. And 'Air Dad' doesn't offer me the level of service I've become accustomed to. Where were my complimentary peanuts?

OK... I'll finish up with some cute shots of me on my new exercise regime... it's called 'Tummy Time' and all the kids are doing it.

97... 98... 99 push ups... 100! And I'm done.

Time for a break before I hit the showers.

Peace out!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow Christmas! I sure hope we get to see you and your little bundle who will be crawling by then probably. I just love the dark eyes and hair.

We so enjoy viewing your site to keep up with her progress. She's adorable and you guys are pretty cute as parents too, ha ha. Talk about a kid who's loved!!

Anyway, I gather you'll be at the cottage but if you need to stay somewhere on your way through from the airport, we'll be on standby although I'm sure you have many other friends to stay with and see but you can use our house as a base if you want. The offer is there. If you choose otherwise, I just hope we get a chance to see you all and if I know enough ahead of time, I can arrange for Derek & Angie and Sean & Jaime and Mackenzie and Mia to be here too. Maybe even Nanny unless you're going through to Sudbury for a visit.

That 's long way off but it will be here before you know it.

Anyway, don't want to interfere with any of your plans but we're here if you need us for anything.

Love you all
Charlotte & John

12:57 AM  

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