Sunday, June 04, 2006

Weekend Update

First off, just wanted to say that although I'd really like to post more often I'm a very busy girl (as you will see) so unfortunately I only seem to find time to update all my fans on the weekends. Well, I suppose a girl always wants to retain a bit of mystery.

Anyhoo... so this weekend was eventful!

Mom and Dad took me to a really groovy cafe for brunch on Saturday, and I rewarded them by hardly screaming or disturbing other patrons. (What can I say, the place was full of goateed and tattooed bohemian types who would just go home and write really angry poetry if I were to start crying. I didn't want that on my conscience.)

Later in the same day, some of my parents friends from Canberra came by to visit. Check this out:

Ohmigod isn't he just dreamy? His name is Todd (or as those who know him best call him , Toddles... *sigh*) and he's so the man I'm going to marry! Well, we would be totally dating right now if it wasn't for his wife Jackie. Puh-lease... can you see the look I'm giving her here?

I know, this is like so Romeo and Juliet it's not funny. It's a tragedy. I think I'll get all cranky and keep my parents up all night in protest.

And finally, I just wanted to thank everyone who has sent me a card or gift so far. There have been so many!

I keep telling Mom that she's got to send out the thank you cards. She blames Dad for not designing them yet. Ah, parents... what can be done about them? You're stuck with the ones you got. Though really, I suppose my Dad isn't that bad. I like hanging out in his arms after all.

Yeah, my Dad is cool. Shiloh eat your heart out.



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