Saturday, May 27, 2006

A visit to where it all started.

So... mom and dad took me to the Observatory Cafe where they got married, it's in Melbourne near the Botanical Gardens. It was pretty and all, and the veal ravioli was OK (I didn't dare try the house wine, it was from Darwin!) but to be honest I was kind of bored... and I wasn't afraid to show it.

Later, mom and dad tried to re-enact their vows. Oh-my-god I was embarrassed! They are so cheesy they make Velveeta jealous.

[Note from Dad: Apparently Australians have no idea what Velveeta is. Think of it like Vegimite, but bright orange and it sort of tastes like plastic/cheddar cheese.]

Compare the original wedding shot and note which young actress was lucky enough to play the all important part of the microphone! That's right, yours truly. Seriously... I researched the part for days, I think I nailed it. Natalie Portman eat your heart out!

Things certainly picked up a bit when uncle Nick decided to try and get too close. Let me tell you, I put him in his place...

I don't know if it was some sort of primal reaction to the high contrast yellow and pink (my brain hurts just looking at the picture) but I had no choice but to show Nick-O who was boss.

Finally, here's a nice picture of all of us together in the cafe. True, just then I was hit with a sudden fear that mom had abandoned me... until I realised she was just taking the photo. Whew!

PS: Do you like Grandma Joyce's new haircut? I think it's great... and I'm not just saying that because she's threatened to stop buying me clothes if I didn't mention it in my blog.




Blogger Joan said...

Gradma Joyce's new haircut is stylin!! and Dad's new do well, short. really, really short. yours is still the best! are you using gel? or mousse?

7:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Grandma: I love yr new haircut too. The stylists were busy in Australia but too busy to give yr father a hairstyle....
I kid because i'm a kid; cut me some slack. My dad likes the short hair on you Uncle Jason. G-mom- I can't wait too see you and grandpa in a few weeks! Weeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love, Holden

11:46 PM  

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