Sunday, August 06, 2006


You know, sometimes it's like I don't exist... all anyone ever talks about is my hair! Sure, it's glorious and lustrous and completely idiosyncratic. But there's so much more to Saskia than Saskia's hair. Yes my friends, remember that there is a person who likes to refer to herself in the third person living underneath this gorgeous mane.

Having said that, lets talk about my hair.

Mom's been greasing it up lately to treat my head. No, not lice... just cute baby dandruff. Yes, everything on a baby is cute, even crusty flakes of scalp. Awwww....

Ahhh, the fin style. Reminds me of a joke. Why don't sharks eat clowns? Because they taste funny! HA! And dad thinks he's the comedian in the family.

Good god, who took this photo?? I had no idea I was going bald already. I tell you, there is a lot of stress in my life these days... the pressure to hold rattles, stop drooling, come up with a funny blog entry once a week... you people demand so much from me!

Later... I gotta go see a guy about a thing.



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