Sunday, January 28, 2007

Happy Holiday

We'll all do well to remember the most important thing about Australia day... it means my birthday is exactly 3 months and 2 days away.

And so to honour my 8-and-14/15-of-a-month birthday all of Australia stopped what they were doing and spent the day celebrating one way or another.

For some it was a private occasion, marked by staying home from work and watching the cricket. For many others however, it was the perfect day to congregate in large crowds, listen to music, eat, drink, and reflect on what the influence of me really means to all of us.

And also, I saw something on the news about this other anniversary of the first colonists landing here thingy.

Anyhow, pictures!

Oops, that's obviously a photo of one of my body doubles... number 9. She handles all of my public appearances in the south end of town.

A generation Z girl can't have too many skills these days, you gotta pad the resume to compete with all those gen X and Y overachievers. Here I am trying to add swinging to my repertoire.

And here I'm practising my miming skills (eventually there will be no glass). As the great Marcel Marceau once said, "_______".

And finally, in my quest to channel the spirit of my great dead hero (what, he's not dead yet? Inconceivable!) here I am practising my high-speed Danger Face (TM). Not that I'm actually in any danger, or frankly going that fast, but just look at the super intensity of my Danger Face (TM).

Those punters at the monster truck rallies will eat it up.


Thursday, January 25, 2007

Higher and Higher

Hello, I can do stairs.

This means I'm now one step closer to jumping motorcycles through flaming hoops. BOO YAH!


Friday, January 19, 2007

I think I'm going to like Awards Shows...

I watched the Golden Globes the other night with Mom and Aunt Chrissy, and boy did I love looking at all the fashions.

The thing is, when you're as cute as I am the $10,000 D&G dress is only gonna hold you back, so why bother wearing anything?

Love, S.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Food Glorious Food

I am clearly the child of my parents.

Hunger hits! At first it tickles... for like, 5 seconds maybe. Then the empty feeling inside overwhelms me and I must let the world know the extent of my suffering!

This room was clean 10 minutes earlier. Right up until I became Hungry Saskia. Once the monster is out of her cage, I let nothing get in the way as I make my way to the only place in the world where I can regain control... they call it: The Kitchen!

Yes, the chair resembles some sort of medieval torture device. And while I in no way condone torture under any circumstances (unless Jack Bauer is really in the zone, you know?) I'll gladly sit in this uncomfortable chair for hours as long as someone promises to shove food glorious food into my mouth!

The joy... the pure, unadulterated joy of eating. And check out that set of chompers I got! Bite me, indeed. How droll.

Anyhow, that ought to keep me going for at least 40 minutes.

Peace out!


Friday, January 12, 2007

I miss ya Tess!

I wanted to give a shout out to my number 1 girl... Tess, it was awesome staying with you. Your parents are so cool and you are so lucky to have your Dad take you to Starbucks every day. Though I warn you, biscottis might look soft and chewy... but they ain't! Good for teething though. But I digress...

We all had a great time in Toronto staying with you Tess.

Your Mom was kind enough to read me 'The Cat In The Hat" while thoughtfully pointing out the trouble with unregistered labour these days. That cat was a bloody menace!

Of course, learning that cats both wear hats and spread pink goo was actually quite frightening. Tess and I called an emergency BRTC meeting (Baby Rights, Toronto Chapter) to discuss the impact this revelation would have on our future pet requests. Luckily, our comrade Nate was available to join us. As you can see, we considered both fish and kangaroos as alternatives but when I suddenly noticed that Tess was wearing a new pair of Manolo Blanick Robeez... well, the meeting fell apart.

Our good friend Arlo was gobsmacked by how good Tess looked, she was gorgeous enough to make a baby drool! Meanwhile, I was struck by the sudden urge to go shoe shopping myself.

So Tess, my beautiful best buddy, until next time I want you to keep on charming those Canadian boys.

And tell your Mom that my Dad says his wife thanks your Dad for watching your Mom's best friend's baby. Which I think is me. But I'm not quite sure.

Kisses from OZ!


Monday, January 08, 2007

I'm back in Australia...

Well I'm safe and sound and had a lovely flight, thanks for asking. Overall I went pretty easy on Mom and Dad during the 14 hour flight from LA. After all, they were strapped into a couple of those cramped little torture chamber bucket seats while I was free to roam around in my little basket-o-fun.

By the way... want to know a great way to pass the hours on an airplane? Wait until Dad is just settling down to watch a movie, and then start crying. Then once he's really distracted stop, give him another 15 minutes to try and get his head around the plot he missed, and repeat. I tell ya, I killed at least 4 hours doing that. Hi-larious!

Anyhow, I had such a great time on our family trip and have so many photos and stories to share. I'll post my wackiest, most sit-com-esque stories over the next week or so (Our Christmas Dinner toast was just a little bit unusual!) but for now I just have two things to tell you about Canada:

1. Eventually, there is always snow. Just after Christmas, the white stuff finally hit the ground.

Unfortunately for me, Bogie the dog thought I looked a little too much like a fire hydrant.

Wouldn't this have made a nice family Christmas card? Too bad it didn't snow until Dec 26!

2. They drive on the other side of the road in Canada, which is why I had so much trouble parking the truck when we went to Walmart. Or at least, that was my excuse when the cop pulled me over.

I swear officer, I haven't had any eggnog. Those shopping carts just jumped in front of me!

