Saturday, May 27, 2006

The tee shirt says it all.

My hair is spiky. My hair is black.

My hair secretly enjoys listening to Kellie Clarkson.

Now that's bad hair.

A visit to where it all started.

So... mom and dad took me to the Observatory Cafe where they got married, it's in Melbourne near the Botanical Gardens. It was pretty and all, and the veal ravioli was OK (I didn't dare try the house wine, it was from Darwin!) but to be honest I was kind of bored... and I wasn't afraid to show it.

Later, mom and dad tried to re-enact their vows. Oh-my-god I was embarrassed! They are so cheesy they make Velveeta jealous.

[Note from Dad: Apparently Australians have no idea what Velveeta is. Think of it like Vegimite, but bright orange and it sort of tastes like plastic/cheddar cheese.]

Compare the original wedding shot and note which young actress was lucky enough to play the all important part of the microphone! That's right, yours truly. Seriously... I researched the part for days, I think I nailed it. Natalie Portman eat your heart out!

Things certainly picked up a bit when uncle Nick decided to try and get too close. Let me tell you, I put him in his place...

I don't know if it was some sort of primal reaction to the high contrast yellow and pink (my brain hurts just looking at the picture) but I had no choice but to show Nick-O who was boss.

Finally, here's a nice picture of all of us together in the cafe. True, just then I was hit with a sudden fear that mom had abandoned me... until I realised she was just taking the photo. Whew!

PS: Do you like Grandma Joyce's new haircut? I think it's great... and I'm not just saying that because she's threatened to stop buying me clothes if I didn't mention it in my blog.



Sunday, May 21, 2006

T + S = BF4E

This one's for you tee-ee-double-ess. You gotta send me a postcard and tell me what cute North American boys are like!

And how about a shout out for my mad Photoshopping skills? Not bad for 3 weeks old.

Peace out...


Late Night Stroll

Well, actually it wasn't that late but it's been getting dark earlier lately. And chilly, hence my funky new wrap and hoodie!

Not that I'm against breaking down gender stereotypes or anything, but hey... I look good in pink.

So Mom and Dad and Uncle Nick took me out for a walk along the train tracks.

Uncle Nick took photos... but he seems to have failed to capture my best side. Or any side. I mean really Nick, you can't even see me!

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mothers Day

Well, happy grandmothers day as well. I had both of my grandmothers here with me, which is great because they sure do love to spoil me!

Grandma Helen wore pink just so she would match my jumper... which I went and spit up all over, so you can 't see it in this photo. But trust me, the effect was really cool.

So we had all three generations of women here today for my mom's first ever mothers day. Grrl Power!

And my dad was there of course, though we didn't see much of him. He was doing the dishes. Grrl Power!

Here are a few more pictures from today...

This is me just chillin... but I sure do look fine, if I don't say so myself.

Of course, I get tired pretty quickly and like to get my posse to carry me around all day. Suckers!



Thursday, May 11, 2006

Gratuitous Cleavage Shot

Dad really likes this photo. I'm not old enough yet to understand why.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Spirit Animal

So I was thinking about native American Indian tribes and their traditions (having learned everything there is to know about them from watching the 17 hour directors cut of Dances With Wolves) and I realised that I too have a spirit animal.

I truly believe that my alternative animal guide in life is none other than the screamapillar. Like the screamapillar, I seem to need constant reassurance or I will scream uncontrollably for hours on end.

You see the resemblance don't you? I can tell you that Mom and Dad certainly do...

And as an added bonus... pictures of me being burped while dressed like Obi Wan Kenobi. Just because it's cool to keep making as many pop culture references as possible which will continue to confuse my grandmothers.


"These are not the droids you're looking for"

Monday, May 08, 2006

Disco Saskia

Oh yeah... I like the nightlife. I like to boogie.

Dad and Grandma Joyce caught me at a particularly candid moment, I was just getting ready for a nappy change (by the way, I hear rumors that the rest of you wipe your own bottoms... hello people, there is a better way!) when suddenly that totally wicked new song by the Red Wiggle came on the radio (his solo album is really avant-garde.) You know, that one with a really funky, deep groove. Well the music took me and I had no choice but to let loose and dance.

Raise the roof!


Afterwards, I was a little tired. Even dad couldn't get me to wake up. But that didn't stop him from lecturing me about staying out late past my curfew. C'mon dad, it's not my fault the best clubs don't really get going until after my 10:00 pm feeding!

Peace out people!


Friday, May 05, 2006

OK... more pictures!

So I really wanted to get Dad to download all the pictures off the camera quickly so I could post them, but both he and mom don't seem to have much time. I have no idea why.

Oops, hold on a sec... I have to go cry at the top of my lungs for half an hour for pretty much no reason at all. Be right back...

(approximately 3 hours later)

Well, that was fun. They fed me and washed me and changed me but I made sure there was plenty of screaming just for fun!

Anyhow I did promise you pictures pictures. First off... Grandparents rule!

And slightly wacky-but-cool aunties are also pretty hip these days. Aunt Christina is totally taking me shoe shopping as soon as my credit card arrives. (I assume one has been ordered for me already?)

OK... I'm not quite sure how this picture of me got in there. I was totally caught off guard for this shot, it wasn't fair. Dad was just in my face like the papparazi! (Though it's not all bad... I think I kind of look like a gangster. Sort of like Joe Pesci in Goodfellas, but slightly asian and a little taller.)

Parents! Everyone has got them but nobody wants to admit it. Though seriously, I think my mom looks kind of hot here. Dad just looks like his face is rejecting those collagen implants he had done. Oops, was that supposed to be a secret Dad? I'd better not mention the Botox then either...

OK... that was fun, but it's been a whole 40 minutes and my parents look like they're just about asleep and I could use a burp. Time for some more baby crying shenanigans!


Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Quick Update...

Hi everyone, Saskia here again. Just wanted to give all of my fans a quick update and a hello.


There have been a whole bunch of phone messages, emails and texts sent to my parents (obviously they haven't let me get my own mobile phone yet, but hopefully soon cause I just have to keep up with my social network) and when we all get home from the hospital tomorrow I promise to make Mom and Dad reply to everyone. There will also be more pictures. My parents are sooo embarrassingly sappy, they have like 1000 pictures taken of me already.

So you know where I'm currently at, apparently my beautifully exotic olive coloured skin isn't just my natural beauty showing through... turns out I have a wee touch of something called 'the jaundice'. As a result I've been sunning myself in the hospital nursery/spa in their fancy tanning machine. Unfortunately it comes without banana daquiris or an ocean view, but it's definitely good for my skin. Just wait until you see the new me. I look at least 20 minutes younger!

Oh yeah... a couple of people weren't sure of my actual birthday. It was Fri Apr 28, around 4:45 pm.

Bye for now!